Put Your Energy First: Jane’s Tips for a Balanced Day



Put your own energy first!

How do you start and end your day?

How you start and end your day has a huge impact on your daily mood, energy levels, your work and your nightly rest.

Starting your morning by prioritising and energising yourself sets a foundation for a productive and happy day. Winding down in the evening with a relaxed routine will set you up for a more restorative night's sleep so you will feel replenished the next day.

To put your own energy first isn't selfish but just necessary. When we are at our best, we can give our best.

I know it doesn't always seem easy to make time for yourself. Especially when you are very busy self-care is probably the first thing you will skip. But especially in those times, we need it the most. I'd like to share some tips; some strategies that work well for me to maintain balance and restore myself. They've consistently helped me set the tone for a productive and energised day.

Key elements for optimal energy

I don't like to dictate what self-care should look like. It's different for everyone. There is no one-size-fits-all self-care routine. It's important to check in with yourself and feel what you genuinely need. It might be something different every day.


1. Morning routine

I do something for myself every morning at the start of my day. This can be a meditation, a physical yoga practice, a hike in nature, a swim in the ocean or a session at the gym. Sometimes it takes 30 min, sometimes 1,5 hours. Do what you can, no pressure. Most important is to feel what you need. Give yourself just that!

2. Move your body (any time in the day)

To move your body is to get your energy flowing. It doesn't matter what you do and when you do it. Something simple like playing your favorite song and dancing in the living room can already feel very powerful. I used to do this, some time ago, first thing in the morning, a great way to give a super happy and energizing start to your day.

3. Food

Be mindful of what you eat. What do you put into your body to fuel yourself? Notice how some types of food make you feel after eating it. Does it give you energy or not?

I noticed that certain foods make me feel very tired after consumption, likely due to a drop in blood sugar levels. For example, for breakfast, savoury options are better for me rather than a mix of fruits, yogurt and muesli, which are high in glucose.

During busy times it's tempting to gravitate towards processed foods and easy snacks for convenience. Remember there are always healthier alternatives available that not only nourish but also energize your body more effectively.

4. Being outside (in nature)

For me, being outside, especially in nature, always recharges my battery. It either unwinds me after a busy day or gives me energy at the start of my day.

Even if you can't immerse yourself in nature, a simple walk around the block can work wonders. Very refreshing during your lunch break at work too. Breathe in the fresh air and expose your eyes to natural light. It's undeniably healthier than remaining indoors all day. I understand the temptation to stay in during cold winters, especially in chilly cities, but try to get some outside time every day.

5. Evening routine

Take some time to wind down in the evening. No more screen time, emails and tasks. Turn off your phone and connect with loved ones or yourself. Indulging in Netflix occasionally can be a treat, but it's worth reflecting on whether it's becoming a habit; mindlessly hopping from one episode to the next. Losing yourself in a good book is really nice and much more relaxing for your eyes and brain before you go to sleep.

6. Good night's sleep

Do you struggle sometimes to get to sleep? This might be the case in very busy times when it's hard for the brain to shut off. Practising Yin Yoga, meditation, breathwork or a Yoga Nidra before bedtime can significantly help in relaxation and facilitate a peaceful transition into sleep.

7. Do nothing

Take time to do absolutely nothing. Just be with yourself, your thoughts. Find a place in your home or outside in nature and just sit or lie down. Chill. Relax.

8. No pressure

Especially on very busy days, do not put too much pressure on yourself. Try to take some time for you, but don't make it too long.

Life is a flow

I hope these tips help you and give you a more balanced life.

Remember that life is a flow, don't fight the waves. Sometimes we can do more than other times. It's ok. The key is to not burden yourself with unrealistic expectations. But to give yourself some self-care time and to recharge your battery is the key to be able to cope with life's more demanding periods. Put your own energy first so that you can give your best to others.


Would you like to start a yoga routine in the morning, but not sure how?

Check out my online short yoga sessions (25 - 30 min) on YouTube to get you started.

For me, when I don't want to think about a yoga flow, I just do some simple Sun Salutations. This wakes up the body (stretching and strengthening), gets the energy flowing and makes you feel energised for your day. I created a Sun Salutations tutorial video and also various different sessions like hip or core focussed, a Yin & Yang session and one to open the whole body.

Youtube ~ Morning routine with Jane


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