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Best Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course in Spain

Join an in-depth Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course in Spain. Dive deep into Yin Yoga and embark on a transformative journey with Jane Bakx.



Going for a Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course in Spain can change your life. It is truly a transformative journey.

This course is not only for people who want to become yoga teachers. It's also for those who want to learn more about Yin Yoga and improve their skills.

Whether you want to teach others or just deepen your own Yin Yoga practice, this course in Spain with Jane Bakx yoga is a great choice.


In short, Yin Yoga is a gentle yet profound yoga practice that focuses on passive stretching, breathwork, and meditation. Unlike more dynamic forms of yoga, Yin Yoga involves holding poses for extended periods, typically ranging from three to five minutes or even longer. This allows practitioners to target the deeper connective tissues and joints, making them stronger and healthier and promoting overall flexibility and relaxation.


My personal journey:

“Yin Yoga, for me, is the ultimate way to connect with myself, both body and mind. It offers a remarkable method to relax the body, quiet the mind and anchor in the present moment. It helps me sleep better and opens and stretches the body beautifully and gently. During a particularly stressful time, when I still worked in advertising in Amsterdam, Yin Yoga was my sanctuary, helping me prevent chronic stress and potential burnout. The benefits of Yin Yoga are profound, and I've personally experienced its transformative impact. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge of Yin Yoga to help you deepen your practice and inspire you to guide others.”

Benefits of Yin Yoga!

  1. Relaxation: Yin Yoga helps you relax deeply. You hold poses for a longer time, allowing the tissues of the body to loosen up and your mind to calm down.

  2. Flexibility: It makes your body more flexible. Holding poses for a while gently stretches your muscles and connective tissues, making them more supple.

  3. Stress Reduction: Yin Yoga can reduce stress. The slow pace and focus on breathing help to relax deeply, calm your mind and let go of tension.

  4. Joint Health: It's good for your joints. By holding poses longer, you gently stretch and strengthen the ligaments and tendons around your joints, promoting better mobility and reducing the risk of injury.

  5. Mindfulness: Yin Yoga encourages mindfulness. It teaches you to pay attention to your body and breath, helping you stay present in the moment and cultivate inner peace.

  6. Balance: It helps to balance your energy. Yin Yoga works on the meridian lines, which are channels of energy (Qi). By stimulating these lines, it can help balance your energy, clear energy blockages, and promote overall well-being.

  7. Emotional Release: It can release emotional tension. Holding poses longer can release emotions stored in your body. By allowing yourself to feel these emotions and let them go, you can experience a sense of emotional healing.

Overall, practicing Yin Yoga regularly can bring about a sense of calm, flexibility, and inner balance, benefiting both your body and mind.


Why become a Yin Yoga teacher?

Yin Yoga has gained popularity in the last years due to its therapeutic benefits for both the body and mind. As more people recognize the value of this practice, the demand for qualified Yin Yoga instructors has increased. Undertaking a Yin Yoga Teacher Training course equips you with the necessary skills and knowledge to guide students safely through Yin Yoga sequences, understand the philosophy behind the practice, and create a nurturing class environment.

EMPOWER YOUR PRACTICE: join a Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course in Spain with Jane Bakx


Why choose Spain for your Yin Yoga Teacher Training?

Joining a Yin Yoga Teacher Training away from home offers an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself deeply into the essence of Yin Yoga, away from the hustle and bustle of your daily life. Here’s why Spain is the perfect setting for your transformational journey:

  1. Escape and immerse: In the tranquil mountains of Spain, you’ll find the space to fully engage with your Yin Yoga course. Free from work, daily responsibilities and distractions, you can dive deep into your practice and the learning materials, allowing for profound personal and professional growth.

  2. Carefree learning environment: With all your needs taken care of, from nourishing meals to comfortable accommodation, you can dedicate your energy and focus entirely to your training.

  3. Natural serenity: The stunning mountains of Spain don’t just serve as a backdrop; they are an integral part of your Yin Yoga journey. This serene environment complements the relaxation and mindfulness practices, enhancing your connection to both self and nature.

  4. Nourishment for all senses: Expect food that feeds not just the body, but also the mind and soul. The carefully prepared meals are designed to support your training.

  5. Outdoor practice: When the weather permits, practice can be outside, embracing the fresh mountain air and the expansive beauty of the location, which all add to a wonderful experience.

Practice teaching session during Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course in Spain

Practice teaching

Practicing teaching with fellow students will enhance your ability to confidently guide others.


What is the best Yoga Teacher Training Course in Spain?

Are you searching for the best Yoga Teacher Training Course in Spain? Jane Bakx Yoga is dedicated to providing high-quality yoga training courses and experiences. If you've arrived here via Google or another search engine, you're in the right place.

As the founder, Jane Bakx offers a range of specialized courses and Yoga teacher training programs designed to enhance your yoga practice and teaching skills. She offers training courses in Spain and also in other places around the world.

The offerings include:

50h Yin Yoga Teacher Training Courses around the world:
Jane Bakx Yoga offers comprehensive 50-hour Yin Yoga Teachers Training Courses, both in-person and online.

The Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course in Spain features a week-long immersion. Over these 7 consecutive days, you will have the opportunity to fully immerse yourself in your Yin Yoga practice. Away from work, daily responsibilities and distractions, this time allows you to dive deep into your practice and explore the learning materials in depth. For more detailed information about the course in Spain and reasons to choose this specific course, please continue reading the webpage below. Or go directly to 50h-Yin Yoga Teacher Training Courses - Spain.

Besides courses in the stunning Spanish mountains, you can also enjoy courses in the beautiful Caribbean and The Netherlands. These courses are 6-day training courses divided into 2 parts (2x 3 days).

All the courses are designed to delve deep into the practice and principles of Yin Yoga, providing participants with the knowledge and skills to teach Yin Yoga safely and effectively. Initiate on a journey of self-discovery and transformation with a Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course. Through immersive learning experiences and expert guidance, participants will learn the principles of Yin Yoga, explore the therapeutic benefits of the practice, and cultivate a deeper connection to themselves and others.

All Yin Yoga Teacher Training courses are held in English, except for the Yin Yoga TTC in The Netherlands, this one is held in Dutch.

An overview of all Yin Yoga courses:

  1. 50h-Yin Yoga Teacher Training Courses - Bonaire

  2. 50h-Yin Yoga Teacher Training Courses - Curacao

  3. 50h-Yin Yoga Teacher Training Courses - Netherlands (course in Dutch)

  4. 50h-Yin Yoga Teacher Training Courses - Spain

  5. 50h-Yin Yoga Teachers Training Course - ONLINE

Other courses:
35h-Breathwork course - ONLINE:
This 35-hour online course focuses on the power of the breath and its profound effects on physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Participants learn ancient Pranayama practices and various modern breathwork techniques to cultivate mindfulness, reduce stress, and enhance overall vitality.
This course is for anyone who wants to deepen their own practice, wants tools to help regulate their nervous system, reduce stress and anxiety, or want to guide others skillfully.

50h-Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Course - Curaçao:
A 50-hour Vinyasa Flow, Yang Yoga Teacher Training Course held in a serene setting on Curaçao in the Dutch Caribbean. This program combines dynamic flow sequences with breathwork and meditation, equipping aspiring teachers with the tools to lead engaging and transformative Vinyasa Yoga and Slow Flow classes. This course is for those who want to guide others and for those who want to deepen their own practice.

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course: Jane Bakx Yoga also offers a comprehensive 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training program. This immersive training covers a wide range of yoga styles, including Vinyasa, Yin, and Hatha Yoga, as well as anatomy, philosophy, and teaching methodology. Graduates of this program are equipped with the skills and confidence to lead my yoga classes with professionalism and authenticity.

Join Jane Bakx Yoga to experience enriching and transformative yoga journeys. Whether you dream of becoming a certified yoga teacher or simply want to deepen your practice, Jane Bakx is here to support you every step of the way.

Understanding more about Yin Yoga Teacher Training Courses

Curriculum overview

In general Yin Yoga Teacher Training Courses typically cover a range of topics, including:

  • Yin Yoga philosophy and principles

  • Anatomy and physiology relevant to Yin Yoga

  • Yin Yoga poses and sequencing

  • Breathwork and meditation techniques

  • Teaching methodology and class planning

  • Hands-on adjustments and modifications

  • Ethics and professionalism in teaching yoga


Who is a Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course for?

  • Yoga practitioners who want to learn about Yin Yoga, how to practice it, and teach it.

  • Qualified yoga teachers who want to learn Yin Yoga to expand their scope of teaching.

  • Mindfulness & life coaches, bodyworkers, and healers who want to deepen their own understanding and practice and use it in their work.

  • Physiotherapists and sports doctors who want to use the deep nourishing power of Yin yoga for their patients/clients to benefit their recovery.


What to look for in a Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course?

  1. Experienced instructors: The quality of instructions and lectures is so important in a yoga teacher training course. Look for courses led by experienced and knowledgeable teachers who have a deep understanding of Yin Yoga, the human body and a passion for sharing their wisdom with others.

  2. Curriculum alignment with personal goals: Consider your reasons for joining a Yin Yoga Teacher Training and ensure that the course curriculum aligns with your goals and interests. Whether you're seeking personal growth, professional development, or both, choose a program that resonates with you.

  3. Certification and accreditation: Depending on your goals for a Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course it might be essential to choose a Yin Yoga TTC that is accredited by an organization like Yoga Alliance. Certification from an accredited program ensures that your training meets industry standards and enables you to teach in studios worldwide and to obtain insurance as a yoga instructor.

  4. Reviews and testimonials: Researching reviews and testimonials from past participants can provide valuable insights into the quality of a Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course. Look for feedback on the instructors, course content, teaching methodology, and overall experience to make an informed decision.


Why choose Jane Bakx Yoga for your Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course in Spain?

Choosing Jane Bakx Yoga for your Yin Yoga Teacher Training course in Spain is an exceptional choice for your personal and professional transformation. Jane Bakx will be your lead instructor. With years of experience in yoga instruction and hosting Yoga Teacher Training courses, Jane brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to her teaching, particularly in Yin Yoga, which she learned directly from Bernie Clark, the esteemed author of 'The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga.'

The course is meticulously designed to equip you with the skills and confidence needed to become a great yoga instructor. From mastering the principles of Yin Yoga to understanding anatomy and honing your sequencing and teaching abilities, Jane ensures a comprehensive learning experience. The Yoga Teacher Training courses are kept small (max. 8 people) to provide ample personal attention and support, fostering a conducive environment for growth and learning. Practicing in the serene landscapes of Spain adds an extra layer of relaxation and inspiration to your training journey.

Moreover, Jane emphasizes personal growth alongside physical practice, incorporating meditation and self-reflection into the curriculum. Even after completing the course, Jane remains a dedicated mentor, offering ongoing support and guidance as you navigate your path as a yoga instructor. If you're ready to embark on a transformative journey and deepen your understanding of Yin Yoga, choosing Jane Bakx Yoga for your Teacher Training course in Spain is the perfect step forward.

Content Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course in Spain!

  1. Jane’s course gives you a solid foundation of the theory and methodology of Yin Yoga.

  2. You will learn how Yin Yoga poses work along the body’s meridians and about the effects on the biomechanics of the body including how the poses work on the fascia and connective tissues.

  3. You will also explore how Yin Yoga works on deep energetic levels. And how you can use it to still your mind and balance your emotional body.

  4. This training will provide you with a clear understanding of the beautiful power of Yin Yoga, in order to deepen your own practice and/or share this with your (future) students.

  5. Learn inspiring wisdom teachings about Qi (energy) and the meridians. We will do some powerful breathwork and meditations. You will learn all about fascia and the yin anatomy.

  6. The Yin Teacher training in Spain will help you to dive deeper into stillness, openness, surrendering, relaxation and acceptance and help you to find balance in this fast-changing world.

  7. You will be guided through the teaching method and sequencing of 20+ key poses in Yin Yoga, and variations on these poses. You will have the opportunity for practical teaching experience and will be encouraged to develop your confidence in sharing Yin Yoga with other students during the training.

  8. You will learn postures and teach an asana practice, through a multitude of lectures, discussions, posture exploration, teaching exercises and posture sequencing.

Learn how to teach Yin Yoga in a safe way!

In her Yin Yoga Teacher Training Courses, Jane focuses strongly on anatomy and the unique differences in our skeletons, and how these factors influence our yoga practice.
You learn how to safely practice and teach Yin Yoga yourself. Jane believes it's important to understand how our bodies work so we can practice yoga without hurting ourselves.

In her classes and courses, you explore how the different yoga poses affect our bodies. You will learn how to adjust the poses to fit each person's body, so everyone can practice safely and effectively.

Jane believes in building a strong foundation of body awareness. This means paying attention to how our bodies feel and move during yoga. By doing this, we can deepen our yoga practice and help others do the same.

Throughout the training, Jane will support you in becoming a confident and caring yoga teacher. You'll learn how to create a welcoming space for your students, where they can practice yoga safely and feel supported along their journey.

Any questions on your mind?


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Join Jane Bakx on a transformative and empowering journey. Book your Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course in Spain!

Choosing the right Yoga Teacher Training course is a significant decision, and considering Jane Bakx Yoga in Spain for your journey is a perfect choice. With Jane's years of experience, passion for yoga, comprehensive curriculum and commitment to personal growth, a transformative and unforgettable experience is guaranteed. 

So, why wait? Taking the first step towards becoming a certified yoga instructor and giving yourself the gift of self-discovery, growth and empowerment starts here. 

Book the Yin Yoga Teacher Training course in Spain with Jane Bakx Yoga today and embark on a journey that will nourish the body, mind, and soul.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • The duration of the course varies depending on the program you choose. The Yin TTC in Spain is 7 consecutive days. The other Yin TTCs are 6-day training courses divided into 2 parts (2x 3 days).

  • Absolutely! My courses are designed to accommodate practitioners of all levels, including beginners. Whether you're new to yoga or have been practicing for years, you'll find the training beneficial and accessible. However, if your goal is to guide others it is recommended to have some years of experience practicing yoga before you start to teach others.

  • Yes, this Yin Yoga Teacher Training is also available for you if you have never done any other yoga training course. You can certainly teach Yin yoga after this course. Most of my students feel comfortable teaching after his training.

  • There are no strict prerequisites for participation, but it is desirable that you have attended yoga classes for some time. You need to be in good health both physically and mentally. Injuries can be accommodated.

    Please CONTACT ME if you are not sure about your physical or mental abilities.

  • Joining the Yin Yoga TTC in Spain is simple! Just visit the website. 50h Yin Yoga TTC Spain. Explore the upcoming TTC dates and reserve your spot by filling in the online BOOKING FORM.

  • It depends on how far before the Yin TTC you have to cancel. Please check out the TERMS & CONDITIONS on my website, article 6.

  • The Yin Yoga TTC in Spain can accommodate people with limited mobility or physical disabilities. Please CONTACT ME directly so we can talk about the options.



Join with me as various ex-students share their experiences and insights about the Yin Yoga Teacher Training Courses they completed with me, both in Spain and in the Netherlands. Discover firsthand accounts of transformation, growth, and deepening understanding of Yin Yoga principles. Hear about the supportive learning environment, expert guidance, and invaluable skills gained during these immersive training programs. Whether you're considering embarking on your own Yin Yoga journey or simply curious about the profound impact of these courses, this video offers a glimpse into the enriching experiences shared by our community of practitioners.



“I participated in Jane's 50h yin yoga teacher course on Curaçao. Initially to become the best yogi possible. You will receive a lot of information about anatomy, philosophy, etc. and you will practice with the poses individually and in groups (how to guide others). Alternated with a yin class that she gives herself for relaxation (wonderful). She brings all this in a very relaxed atmosphere. She responds well to what is happening, little escapes her. If necessary, she returns to topics and issues that are being discussed (very alert). In short, excellent lessons and course for both those who want to use it for their own practice and for prospective yoga teachers. Thank you very much for everything, Jane.”

— Paul VAN den berg, curaçao, march 2024

“I recently completed a Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Jane, and her patience, dedication, and passionate approach made all the difference. Her warm and caring personality created a safe environment where everyone felt comfortable, while her detailed explanations of anatomy enhanced our understanding of Yin Yoga's benefits. I left feeling inspired and ready to teach Yin Yoga myself. I highly recommend Jane's program if you seek Yin Yoga teacher training!”

— Paulinka roemer-schipper, curaçao, march 2024

“I attended the 50h Yin YTT with Jane and it was beyond my expectations. I have practised with her already for three years. I usually take Vinyasa classes.
Fifty hours might seem like a short amount of time, but it was spread over two long weekends on Bonaire and she shared loads of information. Jane is very knowledgeable about anatomy and breathing, especially regarding this subject, and explains it very clearly. In addition, we learned about Yin asanas, sequencing, philosophy, pranayama, energy systems and much more. Jane is an excellent teacher; passionate and to the point, and she also knows how to make tea. ;-) 
If a 50h Yin YTT is on your list and you have the opportunity to attend one of Jane's trainings, do it!

— patrice rannou, bonaire, february 2024

“I have been practicing with Jane for a few years now when I visit the island and I recently participated in her Yin TTC in Bonaire and it was an absolutely amazing experience! Jane is such a beautiful person and she teaches with such passion! I have been practicing yoga for many years and in these two weekends I learned so much that I can take home to my practice and hopefully, one day share with others. I met some amazing people that I will never forget. This experience was physically good for me but it was also good for my soul and I attribute that to Jane and her wonderful teaching style. If you have the opportunity I strongly suggest you participate in one of her yoga training courses!!

— jennifer beaulieu, bonaire, february 2024

“I would like to give Jane and Ilse a big compliment for the guidance of my Yin Yoga teacher training, at the fantastic location Heart to Heart in Bussum. As one of the two men in the group, I have developed myself with my limited experience into a starting teacher with passion! It is a strong curriculum, with a nice link to the practical Yin Yoga exercises. Together, Jane and Ilse manage to bind and captivate the group. As far as I'm concerned, they are the teachers to follow your Yoga training/deepening with!
Jane and Ilse, thank you very much!”


“I just finished the 50h Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Jane and Ilse in Spain. It was amazing. I loved it so much! The knowledge, the program, the place, the food, the people, and the workshops, it felt magical and I enjoyed it a lot! Thank you for this beautiful experience and support. I would love to come back one day.”


“Thank you so much for this very special week!
I thought it was very special, that you really try to share everything you know and don’t hold back in order to make everyone the best teacher they can be.
I feel deeply inspired. One of the many things I learned is that breathing in is also called INSPIRATION!
Much love!”


“A great journey, 7 days Yin Yoga Teacher Training. It wasn’t quite what I expected but a much more rich experience if you are willing to open up and letting it go. This training tells its own story. I experienced this as a great adventure. A few days after this training I found my lower back much more flexible and less pain although I practice Yoga every day for over 15 years.

Two weeks training packed in 7 days. Many aspects of philosophy, anatomy and Yin Yoga training and also theory and practices of Pranayama, meditation and Qi Gong. I found an amazing course, shaped by two great and inspiring teachers, Ilse and Jane. If you thinking about a great gift to yourself that pays itself back many times, this is a great opportunity.”


“This has been one of the best weeks of my life!!
Ilse and Jane have a wonderful energy! They both radiate an incredible amount of love and passion, which fills you up with energy and inspiration.
During these 7 days of training I have grown as a person. I learned about myself and gained the confidence and knowledge that I needed to start teaching my own classes.
I am immensely grateful for this experience, dor the amount of useful information I learned, for the beautiful people I met, and, especially, for the teachers, Ilse and Jane, who made all this possible. I love you so much! Thank you!!”


“Thank you for holding us this nurturing and safe space, filling us with love, acceptance, knowledge and experience.
Your approach to life and yoga (teaching) is so open and amazing. You gave us so much inspiration and motivation. That will stay with us for a long time.
Sat nam”


“Thank you for this week. I made wonderful new colleagues and enjoyed myself more than expected. The villa was beautiful and inspiring at every turn. I felt at home here immediately. Alejandro’s food is brilliant. It has been years since I ate this well! I was most surprised by how “down-to-earth” and relatable the group, especially experienced teachers were. this was a pleasant surprise and makes me feel proud to potentially teach yoga. This was an unforgettable week I will take with me and share for my life. I hope to see you again in the future.”


“To the best duo,
Thank you so much for such a perfect week in Spain. Everything has been wonderful, the food, setting and company. Your passion for yin yoga has been truly inspirational and I ams so happy to had this experience with you both. You’ve inspired me to dive deeper into my journey to becoming a yoga teacher and running retreats. Thank you for everything, your love, fun and outgoing characters are brilliant. Never change.
All my love.”


“Dear Ilse & Jane,
You have given me a very lovely week. I learned a lot and went through beautiful experiences. Thanks to the attention, love and your knowledge and professionalism, I was able to complete my 50-hour yin yoga teacher training. Thanks for everything. You are beautiful people. Hope to see you again.”